Monday, December 3, 2007
Alright! I am back after not blogging for 2weeks with people pestering me to update. So here i am! :) Let me see, i cannot remember much about the past two weeks.
There was this discussion of where to go for night walk during the coming term break. Macritchie Reservoir was mentioned and the term 'monkey ghost' was created by the great Sinee. Why 'monkey ghost'? Well, since we like to scare ourselves occasionally and explore the so-called haunted places, maybe we will chance upon a monkey ghost (forest wad). Likewise, maybe monkeys like exploring HDBs to look for some 'human ghosts'. There was also the discussion of when to go for picnic, i guess its 'SAD'(set),like how Eunice, said on 19th Dec. In between, i guess i forgot some funny stuff that happened. Then it was our impromptu speech on friday. My topic was 'I wish i could be __'(the blank is not a bad word). Gay topic in my opinion, and i was __(this is a bad word) nervous. Tim, Anand, Isaac and me started saying 'chey' countless of times on that day also. It quite funny if we say it one by one at the same time. I can only remember that much about last week, judging by my packed and small brain.
Back to today. Had lectures, and i took my second pop quiz for Speechcomm, amazingly i reached school at 8:50 even though i slept at 2 last night. Lunch was fun, we ate in the LT without switching on the lights again. We were eating like blind men. We also tried to scare Tim when he went out to buy a drink. Anand and i went in front to hide, however, Tim just opened the door and upon seeing us missing muttered 'guai lan' and walked away. It was quite funny and sorry Tim :) Knowing that the rest of the class will be coming in soon, we went to the middle rows and sat in the dark. But we failed to scare Sinee. Today also made me realise that in order for me to catch a terrapin, i will need the help of Sinee. She have the remarkable ability to attract terrapins. She actually attracted 3 at a point in time, but without a net, we can only watch. oh wells, maybe next week!
This week, there are a few stuff for me to complete. So i shall write till here. Now to research about gays for wednesday essay. And have fun studying for ITC test this week people!
*** random thougths @
9:04 PM